Announcing Our New Podcast: “Inception”
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new podcast, Inception. Hosted by Managing Partner Mike Edelhart, Inception is a series of conversations about the beginning of things — of companies, careers, new science, breakthrough technology, and a peek into the future. Each episode features an intimate talk between Mike and a founder or investor in our funds’ extensive worldwide network. Together, they explore the grit, determination, and skill required to start a company, the underlying philosophies and psychologies of entrepreneurship, and the hidden secrets of how startups are created, funded, and ultimately, win.
In the first episode, Social Starts Venture Partner Charles Smith provides poignant and constructive insight into the inner workings of investment decisions. He discusses the joy of recognizing the successful spark in aspiring entrepreneurs, outlines the key characteristics he looks for when evaluating startups, and delves into the delicate art of saying no (or just, “no for now”).
Most often, guests are CEOs from our diverse portfolio of up-and-coming startups. Boxed’s Chieh Huang explores the correlation between the happiness he tries to create for his employees, the joy he himself experiences in his work, and the substantial success of his company. Lambda School’s Austen Allred talks about what it’s like to be a leader in revolutionizing one of the oldest and most established industries in the world. LOLI’s Tina Hedges explains how she overcame the tumultuous transition from the corporate world to the startup world (spoiler alert: it involves a superpower that enables her to thrive during times of chaos), and The Hustle’s Sam Parr shares helpful tips he learned from running his first business in Nashville, Tennessee — a hot dog joint selling “wieners as big as a baby’s arm.”
Listen to Inception on Art19, Stitcher, Google Play, iTunes, Spotify, TuneIn, or RadioPublic.